If you are new to the sales game, you might be mistaken for thinking it’s the smooth talker who clinches the deals but according to the experts it’s the careful listener and astute interviewer who scores the most runs.
When it comes to the art of selling and negotiating, talkforce Business Partner Julie Holman, believes some of the most important tools are preparation, asking the right questions in the right sequence, and learning to interpret verbal and non-verbal cues.
Before Julie goes to any business meeting, especially with a new client, she researches the individual and their company. Reading their website and their LinkedIn profile are obvious starting points, but also talking to colleagues who know the client can be invaluable for understanding their preferred approach. Julie takes a notebook with at least six ‘must ask’ questions she’d like answered. “I never ask a question just for the sake of it. It is to understand the other party’s emotions or needs,” Julie says.
Julie begins a new business meeting with ‘open’ questions to build rapport. These are explorative and usually start with what or how? They can also be along the lines of: ‘describe your typical working day?’ or ‘tell me about your business,’ or ‘what are the key outcomes you’re looking for?’
Adapting your style of questioning will depend on the client’s personality. If he or she is chatty and extroverted the challenge may be to stay on track by introducing structure. Conversely, if the client is introverted and task-oriented, they’ll appreciate a well-structured meeting that stays on point with the objectives spelled-out up front.
Not everyone is comfortable being quizzed especially if they’re nervous about revealing sensitive corporate information. This is where Julie ‘pre-frames’ the question to help the client understand why she’s asking for specific details. She then assures them all their data will remain confidential.
For example, Julie might say: “In order to save time and make sure we are on the same page, I’d like to ask you about the budget you’ve set aside for this project.”
If the person still avoids answering she might say: “I’m interested to know why you’re hesitant about giving that information.”
Sometimes remaining silent for a few beats, gives the client permission to reveal more.
Not all meetings run smoothly. The most common cause of misunderstanding is due to ‘fuzzy language,’ or words that can be misinterpreted. If you say: ‘we’ll get back to you ASAP,’ the client might wonder if ASAP means today, tomorrow, next week or never. And who and what exactly will you get back?
A good way of checking if the other party has understood what you’ve said is to ask: ‘Have I explained that clearly’. People are more likely to ask you to explain it again if they think it was your fault that they didn’t get it.
Toward the end of the meeting, start to narrow down the specifics with closed questions, such as:
Have I answered all of your questions?
Does our recommendation suit your needs to achieve your outcomes?
What other information do you require to make a decision?
Finally, when selling and negotiating, Julie says it’s essential to put your ego to one side, have a genuine curiosity, and clarify as many details as possible. These tips are vital for building any strong relationship – personal and professional.
Author – Theresa Miller is a talkforce associate specialising in business writing and communication skills.