Question: How do you keep your audience engaged when presenting?
Christopher Whitnall: Keeping an audience engaged, I don’t think it is as difficult as everyone thinks it is. I think it’s often simple, rather than easy.
And therefore, some of the ways that you can do it are, one is to present for the audience.
Deliver information that is relevant, appropriate and practical for them.
Other ways, are the way in which you deliver the information. So rather than present at them, you present to them or with them. If you treat it like a conversation where your voice, your eye contact, your body language are all open and positive, therefore there is a chance that people will feel more involved in what it is that you’re talking about.
And then also, if you mix both examples and stories and analogies and you take the audience with you as you’re talking with them about the content, then you’ll often find that they will be more engaged in what you are talking about, rather than feeling like they’re just watching what is happening.